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Why Choose ScreenwriteNOW?

We help stressed & struggling screenwriters become authentic and embodied in their work.  We best help writers who can't get focused, finish scripts, or stay calm when pitching their work.  We take writers on their hero's journey to access their deepest emotional truth and turn it into writing gold. 


Become clear and free from distractions, transform their writing depth and get calm and confident in sharing their work with everyone.

Become a screenwriter with a toolbox to get focused in their writing rhythm, and write deeply connected story lines that engage audiences to want more!


Become a screenwriter who's consistently writing ready and finishes scripts. One who's done the internal work that produces their writing gold and flawless in their pitch!

Write Your Story...

Your script is ready to emerge and be seen! The way to get it out is to clear the path and build success traits that keep you consistently writing from your deepest emotional truth, with focus, rhythm & flow!   

Here's How it Works...

3RP Method...

1.  Resolve
2.  Release & Reframe
3.  Project

3RP Method is a powerful 3 step transformation system that resolves stress, worries, fears into new insight & understanding, so you can become the 5C’s; centered, calm, clear, creative & confident!​ 3RP uses Neuro-Energy Tapping*

(*self use acupressure technique that calms the mind & relaxes the body, so you can rewrite any stress into peace & wisdom.)


  • RESOLVE.... Calm Nerves (Triggers, Confusion) into Peace.

  • RELEASE & REFRAME....Clear Obstacles, Resistance, and Rewrite Stories, Symptoms (past, present or projected), into Wisdom.

  • PROJECT...Reach & Preview your Future, with Confidence 


Core Principals of 3RP Method...

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You are what you believe.


Our mindset is comprised of our strongest emotional habits and beliefs.  In regulating self, we meet our emotional wisdom.


We are adaptable to change and can break the chains that bind us, so we can project the life we truly want. 

What's Neuro Energy Tapping?

Self use acupressure technique that shifts how you feel & experience your:
  • Thoughts

  • Emotions

  • Body


Science based, rooted in systems:

  • Chinese Meridian System

  • Modern Psychology

  • Nervous System


Science of Tapping 101

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  • STRESS is the underlying cause of blocks & fears.
  • BRAIN is stress control center. â€‹
  • Tapping directly affects the brain.
    resolves & clears ...
    • Mental (repetitive unresolved thoughts/beliefs
    • Emotional (fears, worries, Memories- past, projected)
    • Physical (Nervous System stress)
You Can't Out-think Stress!
When you treat the underlying cause of the block (stress), you resolve & clear it.

Why Neuro-Energy Tapping for Screenwriters?

Tapping Clears blocks at their root!
Tapping Invites...
  • Creative Thinking

  • Curiosity, Confidence

  • Safe Connection, Aliveness

Why Choose ScreenwriteNOW?

We help stressed & struggling screenwriters become authentic and embodied in their work.  We best help writers who can't get focused, finish scripts, or stay calm when pitching their work.  We take writers on their hero's journey to access their deepest emotional truth and turn it into writing gold. 


Become clear and free from distractions, transform their writing depth and get calm and confident in sharing their work with everyone.

Become a screenwriter with a toolbox of easy, self use skills that get them effortlessly focused in their writing rhythm, and writing deeply connected story lines that engage audiences into wanting more!


Become a screenwriter who's consistently writing ready and finishes scripts. One who's done the internal work that produces their writing gold and flawless in their pitch!

Write Your Story...

Your script is ready to emerge and be seen! The way to get it out is to clear the path and build success traits that keep you consistently writing from your deepest emotional truth, with focus, rhythm & flow!   

Here's How it Works...

3RP Method...

1.  Resolve
2.  Release & Reframe
3.  Project

3RP Method is a powerful 3 step transformation system that resolves stress, worries, fears into new insight & understanding, so you can become calm, clear, creative & confident!​ 3RP uses Neuro-Energy Tapping*

(*self use acupressure technique that calms the mind & relaxes the body, so you can rewrite any stress into peace & wisdom.)


  • RESOLVE.... Calm Nerves (Triggers, Confusion) into Peace.

  • RELEASE & REFRAME....Clear Obstacles, Resistance, and Rewrite Stories, Symptoms (past, present or projected), into Wisdom.

  • PROJECT...Reach & Preview your Future, with Confidence 


Core Principals of 3RP Method...

henry ford.png

You are what you believe.


Our mindset is comprised of our strongest emotional habits and beliefs.  In regulating self, we meet our emotional wisdom.


We are adaptable to change and can break the chains that bind us, so we can project the life we truly want. 

What's Neuro Energy Tapping?

Self use acupressure technique that shifts how you feel & experience your:
  • Thoughts

  • Emotions

  • Body


Science based, rooted in systems:

  • Chinese Meridian System

  • Modern Psychology

  • Nervous System


Science of Tapping 101

brain final.png
  • STRESS is the underlying cause of blocks & fears.
  • BRAIN is stress control center. â€‹
  • Tapping directly affects the brain.
    resolves & clears ...
    • Mental (repetitive unresolved thoughts/beliefs
    • Emotional (fears, worries, Memories- past, projected)
    • Physical (Nervous System stress)
You Can't Out-think Stress!
When you treat the underlying cause of the block (stress), you resolve & clear it.

Why Neuro-Energy Tapping for Screenwriters?

Tapping Clears blocks at their root!
Tapping Invites...
  • Creative Thinking

  • Curiosity, Confidence

  • Safe Connection, Aliveness

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